A Tribute to Kostis Palamas
Composer of the World Cultural Heritage Olympic Hymn
Presented by Professor Theodore Mallias, Univ. of Patras
Sunday April 6, 2025 @ 6:30 PM
Delancey Street Screening Room
600 The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94107
Free to attend, but space is limited.
Professor Mallias will provide a multi-media presentation on the significance of the Olympic Hymn that was adopted in 1896 at the first modern Olympic games in Athens and will include a screening of the video, “The Legendary Moral Moments of Olympism”
Special awards also will be presented by Dr. Alex Papalexopoulos on behalf of the Society to Professor Katerina Lagos of the California State University at Sacramento and Professor Christine Philliou of the University of California at Berkeley for their significant contributions to the field of Modern Greek Studies.