In addition to its participation in the Kazantzakis Festival, the San Francisco Greek Film Festival held its annual Reception at the Green Park in Athens, on July 13, 2023, co-sponsored by the Sydney Greek Film Festival, to welcome and celebrate members of the Greek and Cypriot film community. This annual event has drawn hundreds of guests many of whom have been invited to San Francisco to share their work at the San Francisco Greek Film Festival, the longest running Greek film festival in the United States, now in its twentieth year.
In addition to prominent members of the Greek and Cypriot film community, such as director Manoussos Manousakis, representatives from several international Greek film festiavls were present, including Sofia Stavriandou from Berlin, Jimmy DeMetro from New York, Nia Karteris from Australia, Alexandra Manos from Atlanta, and Kleon Skourtis from San Francisco.
In recognition of the important role the Film Festival plays in promoting Greek and Cypriot film around the globe, ERT Radio invited Kleon Skourtis of the San Francisco Greek Film Festival and Nia Karteris of the Sydney Greek Film Festival to an hour long interview with Eleni Karali to discuss the important work of these festivals.